Torque is a specialty environmental management program for smash repair businesses which helps management and staff improve their environmental behaviour to the best possible level.
The aim of Torque is to help the staff and management achieve the highest environmental standards. We help you optimise your business processes by understanding your site and behaviour and give you constructive advice on how to improve.
Torque incorporates all the ingredients of a formal environmental management system in a format which is simple for you to adopt.Your Torque journey begins with on-site support and is backed by a formal 5-star accreditation program verified by qualified auditors
A Torque accreditation will boost credibility with customers and work providers and build better relationships within the local community.
Torque educates people with the nudge effect to help them make better decisions by providing POSITIVE choices. We always encourage rather than scare and seek change one step at a time.
The PAIR initiative provides a SIMPLE environmental program for small businesses to bring the white and blue workforce together.
We aim to create a fun EXPERIENCE for all your team. Businesses that are having fun working together and achieve amazing things
Your torque journey is entirely dictated by you. Some sites and teams want lots of support, others like to work more automosly but all ultimately embark on a journey that features the follow milestones.
Step 1 - We assess your business to understand your current position.
1. We believe change is achieved in small business by helping people through FACE-TO-FACE contact with positive learning experiences. We help businesses start the Torque journey by simply meeting them and providing the instruction to get started.
2. We supply a copy of the TORQUE MANUAL to help staff learn.
3. A Torque expert will conduct an ONSITE ASSESSMENT to determine how the business is going, explain the program benefits and work out how we can help.
4. We EXPLAIN the benefits of the program and provide the resources and support
to help businesses succeed. We cover the responsibilities of all white- and blue-collar roles.
Step 2- Our team provides the support and resources to help you achieve your business improve.
5. A site-specific Action Plan is generated from the initial site assessment.
6. An individual role SCORE CARD is provided for management and workers to better understand who needs help or where help needs to be applied.
7. Torque personalises environmental responsibilities for the whole team, so people take more OWNERSHIP.
8. We customise our automated SCHEDULING SYSTEM for each site to diarise their time specific tasks.
9. We provide access to an ONLINE SHOP to make purchasing the best products an easy experience.
10. Sites have access to the Torque TOOLKIT which contains templates, policies, procedures and more detailed information.
Step 3- We provide the recognition to help you promote your success.
11. Torque has a 5-STAR RATING system. A 3-star and above rating will qualify a site for a Torque accreditation.
12. A qualified auditor conducts a formal ONSITE AUDIT of the set-up, environmental management system and staff behaviour.
13. Sites will receive a report showing where they have done well and where improvement can be made. The Individual Role Score Card for management and workers will be updated to recognise staff PERFORMANCE and help motivate better environmental behaviour.
14. PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL will be provided to help inform work providers and customers of the site’s environmental commitment and status.
15. The audit process is repeated annually to support CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT and update the site accreditation rating.
5 Star Environmental Audits
Torques 5-Star accreditation is a well-recognised rating system to promote your achievements. The more stars the better!
Torque Environmental Safety Ratings are published for our Smash Repair clients, using a 5 star rating system.
The star ratings indicate the level of safety a site provides to minimise the effects of air, earth and water pollution. These independent safety ratings are used to enable consumers to choose wisely when repairing their vehicles.
Certain conditions must be met in order for a business to qualify for a star rating. These conditions include meeting all legal requirements for a site and not having any imminent threat of pollution.We believe in offering as many safeguards as possible to protect the environment from pollution and the rating score is based on this principal - the more you do to protect the environment the higher your score.
Sites are evaluated against three key areas:
- The Set Up Of the Site
- The Management Systems and behaviour of the Centre Manager
- The Culture and Behaviour of the Workers on the shop floor
Some practices are critical to protecting the environment – often these practices have been highlighted by the government or local authority as being necessary for a business to undertake. If a business behaviour is not meeting these guidelines/rules/laws and or a practice currently being undertaken is likely to result in a significant environmental impact that no accreditation or scoring will be offered to the business.
Because some roles are more likely to contribute to an environmental incident the weighting of scores by the different parts of the business are factored up or down to provide a relevant score contribution. The topics covered are:
Torque members have access to a wealth of free and cost effective resources to help them implement their environmental initiatives.
Waste and Recycling Signs
Knowing where you should be disposing of your waste can be improved by labelling different areas of your business with our complete labelling packs.
Educational Material
We provide a comprehensive manual on the best environmental practices for all workers and management in a smash repair shop.
Spill Kits
Accidents do happen and we are pleased to be able to supply you with specialised spill kits for the paint room, workshop, chemical storage area and goods delivery area.
Stormwater Stencils
Create professional looking signs on your site with our storm water stencils.
Site Plans
We can provide you site plans which are key for enabling first responders to understand what hazards exist on your site + they are great for staff understanding where things belong
Training Videos
Teaching your staff how to recycle, use spill kits and fire extinguishers can be expensive so we have put together a collection of videos to help you do this.
Industry Publications
Related industries have a wealth of information for running a smash repair shop and we have researched and collated the best ones for your business in one location.
Council Liaison
99% of businesses in Australia are required by local authorities to have a form of Trade Waste Agreement. We have the resources to ensure you are meeting your local obligations
Policys and Procecures
All workshops need current policy and procedures so we have put together a collection of documents that you can customise for your site
Tip Sheets
We've got a stock of tip sheets to help you teach you and your staff the best environmental practices in your business
Site Equipment
Choosing the best piece of equipment to set up your site can be confusing and takes time. We have chosen various pieces of equipment that can help you site be as environmental responsible as possible.
Educational Posters
Teaching your staff how to recycle, use spill kits and fire extinguishers can be expensive so we have put together a collection of videos to help you do this.